Concerned you may have been a victim of a data breach? Place a ban on your Experian credit report now


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Order Credit Report

Ready to get a picture of your personal credit history? Access your free Experian Credit Report today.

Order Now

Request A Correction

If you notice any incorrect information on your Experian Credit Report let us or your credit provider know.

Request Now

Place A Ban

If you’re a victim or likely victim of fraud, stay in control by requesting a ban on your Experian Credit Report You can also Extend or Lift a Ban.

Place, Lift or Extend a Ban


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Experian Asia Pacific Pty Ltd

Level 26/2 Southbank Blvd
Southbank VIC 3006

T: (61) 3 8622 1600

Experian Asia Pacific Pty Ltd

Level 20, 101 Miller Street
North Sydney NSW 2060

T: (61) 2 8907 7200

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Call 1300 783 684 (9am-5pm Monday to Friday)